waste in place

Waste in Place

Curriculum for Teaching Litter Prevention and Solid Waste Management

The Waste In Place curriculum, created by Keep America Beautiful, addresses the problem of waste and its disposal alternatives, and emphasizes responsible solid waste handling practices through hands-on activities for K-8th grade. This unique curriculum aims to encourage informed decisions by our future community leaders.


Curriculum Goals

  • Increase awareness and knowledge of solid waste problems
  • Use hands-on activities to teach students how to properly dispose of and handle solid waste
  • Promote social responsibility
  • Use a behaviorally-based, systematic approach to changing attitudes and practices related to proper waste handling

In the Classroom

Lessons are correlated, and can be easily integrated into existing subjects, and may use a thematic approach to allow students the opportunity to practice essential process skills and develop the thinking required to make wise decisions about pollution prevention. KTB's curricula, in conjunction with all participating agencies, promotes pollution prevention education, which may include protecting natural resources, through conservation or increased efficiency in the use of raw materials, energy, water, or other resources.

Keep Texas Beautiful

Visit the Keep Texas Beautiful page on Waste in Place.

Keep America Beautiful

Visit the Keep America Beautiful page on Waste in Place.